Tag Archive | BBC News

The NATOrious cover-up

A day of constant flip-flops in the NATO had this editor wondering if he was sitting in the same council, from one hour, to the next. While morning saw a debate on the means of bombing the conflict zone, by the afternoon the delegates had switched to discussing what languages must be taught in schools that’ll be built in the very same (former) bombing zones. Despite the fact that the twist brought in by the crisis rocked the house into consensus, it highlighted the hypocrisy with which day one was wasted. Read More…

Strike three: Fate of Serbia hangs on the Balance

“We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.”

Choose well, the two wizards were instructed. The house was in for a pleasant surprise. The duel could be averted. There would be no display of one’s spell-casting prowess. Nobody would be stunned or disfigured by crossfire. All that the wizards had to do was sit and resolve who would get the remember-ball. The stage was set. For once, the duel could actually be averted. Read More…

It is Time for Dawn

“Terrorism is a subjective term, depending on which side you are on.”

It’s a cold, dark night. A group of people are huddled together, biting their lips, in the foreknowledge that a horrific creature prowls the streets. It has attacked and killed a lot of people, law-abiding, office-going, God-fearing people. Is that scary? No. Bring in the men in dark clothes. They tend to these creatures. Feed it, sharpen its canines, give it a shot in the arm and let it loose again. Is that scary enough? No. The men in dark clothes have an agenda. They let the creature whiff up the scent of a particular group. Then let it loose, and sit back in their fluffy cushions to watch their plot unfold. It begins to get real scary when there are hundreds of men, world over, with hundreds of thousands of such creatures under reins. It’s going to be a long, long night. Read More…